Saturday, May 23, 2015

7 Ways to Grow Your Faith

Last week at BodyBuilders we looked at seven ways to grow your faith. Just as a fruit tree needs sunlight, water, nutrients, and the right weather conditions to grow and eventually bear fruit, we, as Christians, need certain things to help us as we grow in our faith and bear the fruits of the Spirit. Here are seven things that can help you grow in your faith in Jesus Christ: 

Read the Word of God                                         (Romans 10:17)
Exercise you faith                                                   (James 1:22)
Keep your tongue from evil                                (Psalm 34:13; 50:19)
Listen to and read testimonies of faith (Revelation 12:11, Hebrews 11:1-2)
Praise and thank God                                           (Psalm 105:1)
Keep a prayer journal                                           (Psalm 105:5)

Encourage one another in the faith                  (1 Thessalonians 5:11)

Have good week... and GROW!

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